

Every day we are grateful to the many generous donors and volunteers whose gifts make Marycrest Assisted Living a welcoming place. Gifts to Marycrest Assisted Living are fully tax deductible under IRS rules, and many provide significant benefits to the donor as well.

There are many ways to support programs; here are just a few:

  • Your financial gift to Marycrest Assisted Living is tax deductible, and directly supports the Harmony and Serenity residences.
  • You may designate your gift for ongoing programs, like the Activities Fund, the Resident Life Program or On-Site Physician Services, or allow us to use it where the need is greatest.
  • Marycrest Assisted Living accepts gifts of cash made by check or credit card.
  • We accept gifts of publicly held stock, and often this giving method can offer additional tax benefits to the donor.
  • For those donors wishing to include Marycrest Assisted Living in their estate plans, gift annuities, charitable trusts and similar giving methods can provide substantial tax benefits and increase the donor’s retirement income. Please call us if you would like to learn more.

To make a gift to Marycrest Assisted Living, click here.

In-kind gifts are used throughout the year to enrich resident life through activities and educational opportunities, and keep both Harmony and Serenity exciting and rewarding for residents and to maintain a quality community. We especially need:

  • Christmas Gifts for residents
  • Bingo gifts
  • Board games and craft supplies
  • Resident personal care products for those with limited funds

If you would like to make an in-kind gift to Marycrest Assisted Living, please click here.


Marycrest is always appreciative of volunteer help.  No matter what your skills are or how much time you can give, Marycrest will have a rewarding volunteer opportunities waiting for you!  You can work directly with residents or help with staff.  Share your time and talents with our residents in one of the following programs:

Volunteer Opportunities

Craft Assistant
Are you creative?  Help residents enjoy meaningful craft projects.  All materials will be supplied.

Computer Tutor
Work one-on-one with residents or assist with the semester-based programming catalog.

Store Clerk
Work as cashier in the Country Store.

Resident Escort
Escort residents on individual shopping excursions or outings.  Also accompany residents to beauty shop appointments, therapy sessions, Mass or special events.

On-Hour Visitor
Brighten the day by reading, doing an activity or talking with a resident.

Activity Assistant
Join the programming staff and residents in baking, art projects, birthday parties and much more.

Special Events
Assist the programming staff and accompany residents on special outings.  Past trips have included the zoo, Central City, botanical gardens and luncheons.

Chapel Assistant
Opportunities are available for volunteers to assist in numerous spiritual opportunities.  Assistance with wheelchair transport of resident to the services is also appreciated.

If you would like to volunteer, or schedule a group for a volunteer project, please call (303) 433-0282 or click here to email our activities department.